Acknowledgments (Halifax)

The Lebanese Film Festival is an important cultural event that plays a vital role in preserving and promoting our Lebanese Heritage by celebrating its cinema and fostering culture exchange.

I am proud to have this important cultural event in Halifax and on behalf of the Lebanese community in Halifax, Nova Scotia and of the maritime provinces, it is my pleasure and privilege to welcome you to the seventh edition of the Lebanese Film Festival in Halifax.

Sincere thanks to the organizers for their initiative and dedication;

to the sponsors, and partners for their support;

to our volunteers for their commitment;

Thank you all … Enjoy the Festival!

تحيّة وطنيّة!

نجدّد دعمنا لمهرجان الفيلم اللبناني في كندا ونشكر المنظّمين والدّاعمين والمتطوعين الذين يساهمون في إنجاح هذا العمل الفني الرّاقي…

نحييّ وطننا آملين أن يسود الأمن والاستقرار ربوع لبنان الحبيب وينعم أهلنا بحياة حرّة وكريمة….

مع تمنيّاتنا بالنّجاح والتقدّم المستمرّ!

Wadih M. Fares, C.M., P.Eng. FEC., D.Comm.
Honorary Consul of Lebanon